Senior scientist, Ph.D.

Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Division of epidemiology, Department of Chronic Diseases
Areas of interest:
Osteoporosis, forearm fractures, hip fractures, weight/weight change/weight cycling, health behaviour, mental health, drinking water
Basic profession
Academic degrees
• Doctor Philosophiae (PhD), University of Tromsø, 1989
• Certificate of Postdoctoral Study in Health Education and Behavioural Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, 1984
• Certificate of Health Education, School of Public Health, Gothenburg, 1982
• Diploma of Education (DE), University of Tromsø, 1982
• Diploma of Dental Public Health (DDPH), University of Oslo, 1976
• Cand odont (DDS,) University of Oslo, 1971
Health education and self-care in dentistry – surveys and interventions. Thesis, University of Tromsø, 1989. Published: ISM’s skriftserie nr. 13. Institute of Community Medicine. University of Tromsø 1989.
Professional experience
• Senior Scientist, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Division for Epidemiology, Oslo, Norway, 2002-
• Professor in Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway (part time) 2004-2010
• Senior Scientist, National Health Screening Service, Oslo, 2001-2002 (part of Norwegian Institute of Public Health from 2002)
• Project Manager, The Oslo Health Study, Ullevål University Hospital, Oslo, 1999-2001
• Director of Research, Department of Community Medicine, National Institute of Public Health, Oslo,
• Professor Preventive Medicine, University of Tromsø, Norway 1991-97 (part time 1996-97)
• Visiting professor, School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, USA, 1990
• Visiting professor, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway, 1990
• Ass. and assoc. professor Preventive Medicine, Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromsø, Norway, 1985-90
• Postdoctoral scholar, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, 1983-84
• Research fellow, The Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities, University of Tromsø and Oslo, 1981-83
• Ass. Chief County Dental Officer in Troms, 1978-80
• Community Dental Officer in Tromsø, Norway 1971-77
Affiliations (last 10 years)
Member of scientific boards/ committees: Norwegian Foundation for Health and Rehabilitation (Deputy chair); National Council of Nutrition and Physical Activity; Cohort of Norway (CONOR); Biohealth Norway (Biobank platform FUGE I); NOREPOS (Norwegian Epidemiological Osteoporosis Studies); Evidence-based Governmental report “Weight and health”; Evidence-based report ”Guidelines for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis”; Evidence-based Governmental report “Physical activity and health”; Governmental report ”Action for Prevention of Osteoporosis & Osteoporotic fractures”; Report “The Oslo Immigrant Health Profile”; Evidence-based Governmental report “Social inequality and health”, Governmental “Public Health Report”.
Member of boards collecting data for future epidemiological research, and administration of the data: The Osteoporosis part of the Oslo Health Study, The Norwegian Youth Health Studies, The Health Studies in Oslo (Chair), The Hip Fracture Linkage Study (data from several different data sources and a national hip fracture database (NORHip)).
Supervision and teaching
Teaching medical-/dental-/nutritionist students at the University of Tromsø and University of Oslo 1981-2010 (Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion, Epidemiology, Community Dentistry).
Responsible for the Health Promotion course, Master of Public Health, University of Tromsø, 1994-97
Supervision of about 30 students – Master- and similar degrees
Supervision of about 20 PhD candidates completed.
• The Norwegian Medical Association’s Preventive Medicine Award
• Co-author of several papers/ abstracts/p osters receiving research awards
• Honorary Member, Norwegian Epidemiological Association, 2013
Peer review
Osteporos Int, Health Educ Res, Acta Odont Scand, Nor Tannlaegeforen Tid, Tidskr Nor Lægeforen, Nor J Epidemiol, Scand J Prim Health Care, Scan J Soc Med, Scand J Publ Health, Scan J Rheumatol, Eur J Public Health, Maturitas, J Epidemiol Comm Health.
Dissemination 1971-2014
About 80 presentations (oral or poster) about osteoporosis and fractures at scientific meetings, several popular science papers, writing websites on osteoporosis, documentation of data from surveys (on web), several chronicles, editorials and feature articles in journals and newspapers, numerous popular scientific lectures, and contributions to several reports published by the health authorities about osteoporosis.
Received grants from about 20 different organisations, institutions and authorities.
About 150 publications in peer-reviewed journals or peer-reviewed monographs about osteoporosis and fractures.
(right-click and open in new tab to access external websites)
Publications in PubMed
Publications in Google Scholar
Publications in CRISTIN (Current Research Information System in Norway)
Selected publications within osteoporosis, fractures and related topics
• Berntsen GKR, Midtby M, Ringberg TM, Joakimsen RM, Magnus JH, Tollan A, Fønnebø V, Søgaard AJ. Osteoporoseforskning i Tromsø. Norsk Epidemiologi 1995;5:171-4.
• Magnus JH, Joakimsen RM, Berntsen G, Tollan A, Søgaard AJ. What do Norwegian women and men know about osteoporosis? Osteoporosis Int 1996;6:31-6.
• Joakimsen RM, Søgaard AJ, Tollan A, Magnus JH. Osteoporose – kunnskaper og holdninger i den norske befolkning. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 1996;116:2013-6.
• Søgaard AJ, Berntsen GKR, Magnus JH, Tollan A. Østrogenbehandling. Kunnskaper og holdninger blant norske kvinner. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 1998;118:582-7.
• Søgaard AJ, Fønnebø V, Magnus JH, Tollan A. Hormonsubstitusjon blant norske kvinner. Selvrapportert bruk og omsetning av østrogenholdige preparater. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 1998;118:590-5.
• Joakimsen RM, Fønnebø V, Magnus JH, Stormer J, Tollan A, Søgaard AJ. The Tromso Study: physical activity and the incidence of fractures in a middle-aged population. J Bone Miner Res 1998;13:1149-57.
• Joakimsen RM, Fønnebø V Magnus JH, Tollan A, Søgaard AJ. The Tromsø Study: Body height, body mass and fractures. Osteoporosis Int 1998;8:436-42.
• Søgaard AJ, Berntsen GKR. Østrogenbruk. I: NOU 1999:13 – Kvinners helse i Norge. Oslo: Sosial- og helsedepartementet 1999, s. 557-568.
• Berntsen GKR, Tollan A, Magnus JH, Søgaard AJ, Ringberg T, Fønnebø V. The Tromsø Study: Artefacts in forearm bone densitometry – prevalence and effects. Osteoporosis Int 1999; 10: 425-32.
• Søgaard AJ. Osteoporose – risikofaktor eller sykdom? Definisjon, utbredelse, årsaker, diagnostisering og forebyggende tiltak. Norsk Epidemiologi 1999; 9: 165-72.
• Joakimsen RM, Fønnebø V, Magnus JH, Tollan A, Søgaard AJ. The Tromsø Study: Height loss as a screeing tool for subsequent fractures. In: Joakimsen RM (ed), The Tromsø Study. Risk factors for non-vertebral fractures in a middle-aged population. ISM skriftserie nr. 47. Tromsø: Institute of Community Medicine. University of Tromsø, Tromsø 1999.
• Forsén L, Meyer HE, Søgaard AJ, Næss S, Schei B, Edna TH. Mental distress and risk of hip fracture. Do broken hearts lead to broken bones? J Epidemiol Comm Health 1999;53:343-7.
• Forsén L, Søgaard AJ, Meyer HE, Edna TH, Kopjar B. Survival after hip fracture. Short- and long-term excess mortality according to age and gender. Osteoporosis Int 1999:109;73-8.
• Joakimsen RM, Fønnebø V, Søgaard AJ, Tollan A, Magnus JH. The Tromsø Study: Alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking related to non-vertebral fractures in a middle-aged population. In: Joakimsen RM (ed), The Tromsø Study. Risk factors for non-vertebral fractures in a middle-aged population. ISM skriftserie nr. 47. Tromsø: Institute of Community Medicine. University of Tromsø, Tromsø 1999.
• Berntsen GKR, Fønnebø V, Søgaard AJ, Njølstad I, Tollan A, Magnus JH. The Tromsø study: Prevalence of male and female osteoporosis in a general population. In: Berntsen GKR. Interpretation of forearm bone mineral density. ISM skriftserie nr. 56. Tromsø: Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromsø, Tromsø 2000.
• Søgaard AJ. Helsekonsekvenser av vektendring – er slanking fordelaktig? Norsk Epidemiologi 2000;10: 95-108.
• Søgaard AJ, Tollan A, Berntsen GKR, Fønnebø V, Magnus JH. Hormone replacement therapy: Knowledge, attitudes, self-reported use – and sales figures in Nordic women. Maturitas 2000; 35: 201-14.
• Berntsen GKR, Fønnebø V, Tollan A, Søgaard AJ, Joakimsen RM, Magnus JH. The Tromsø Study: determinants of precision in bone desitometry. J Clin Epidemiol 2000; 53: 1104-12.
• Berntsen GKR, Fønnebø V, Tollan A, Søgaard AJ, Magnus JH. Forearm bone mineral density by age in 7,620 men and women: the Tromsø Study, a population-based study. Am J Epidemiology 2001;153:465-73.
• Osteoporose. Veileder for forebygging og behandling. Forfattere: Falch JA (leder) og alfabetisk: Grimstad H, Haavik Nilsen K, Kristiansen IS, Meyer HE, Mørland B, Nordsletten L, Nybø A, Søgaard AJ. Oslo: Statens helseundersøkelser, 2001.
• Joakimsen RM, Fønnebø V, Søgaard AJ, Tollan A, Størmer J. Magnus JH. The Tromsø Study: Registration of fractures, how good are self-reports, a computerized radiographic register and a discharge register? Osteoporosis Int 2001;12:1001-5.
• Forslag til Nasjonal handlingsplan for forebygging av osteoporose og osteoporotiske brudd. Forfattere: Gimmestad A, Meyer H, Søgaard AJ. Oslo: Statens helseundersøkelser, 2001.
• Forsén L, Arstad C, Sandvig S, Schuller A, Røed U, Søgaard AJ. Prevention of hip fracture by external hip protectors: an intervention in 17 nursing homes in two municipalities in Norway. Scan J Publ Health 2003;31:261-6.
• Engeland A, Søgaard AJ. CONOR (Cohort NORway) – en oversikt over en unik forskningsdatabank. Nor J Epidemiol 2003;13:73-7.
• Magnus P, Arnesen E, Holmen J, Stoltenberg C, Søgaard AJ, Tell GS. CONOR (Cohort NORway): historie, formål og potensiale. Nor J Epidemiol 2003;13:79-82.
• Forsén L, Arstad C, Sandvig S, Schuller A, Røed U, Søgaard AJ. Risk of hip fracture in protected and unprotected falls in nursing homes in Norway. Injury Prevention 2004; 10:16-20.
• Søgaard AJ, Meyer HE. Fakta om benskjørhet og brudd (osteoporose og osteoporotiske brudd) Faktaark, 01.11.2004. .
• Meyer HE, Berntsen GK, Søgaard AJ, Langhammer A, Schei B, Fonnebo V, Forsmo S, Tell GS; Norwegian Epidemiological Osteoporosis Studies (NOREPOS) Research Group. Higher bone mineral density in rural compared with urban dwellers: the NOREPOS study. Am J Epidemiol 2004;160:1039-46.
• Meyer HE, Falch JA, Søgaard AJ, Haug E. Vitamin D deficiency & secondary hyperparathyroidism and the association with bone mineral density in persons with Pakistani and Norwegian background living in Oslo, Norway. The Oslo Health Study. Bone 2004; 35:412-7.
• Alvær K, Meyer HE, Falch J, Søgaard AJ. Bone mineral density in ethnic Norwegians and Pakistani immigrants living in Oslo – The Oslo Health Study. Osteoporos Int. 2005;16:623-30.
• Falch JA (red). Handlingsprogram for forebygging av osteoporose og osteoporotiske brudd 2005-2008. Oslo: Sosial- og helsedirektoratet, 2005.
• Søgaard AJ, Joakimsen RM, Tverdal A, Fønnebø V, Magnus JH, Berntsen G. Long-term mental distress, bone mineral density and non-vertebral fractures. The Tromsø Study. Osteoporos Int 2005;16:887-97.
• Falch JA (red). Faglige retningslinjer for forebygging og behandling av osteoporose og osteoporotiske brudd. Oslo: Sosial- og helsedirektoratet, 2005.
• Alvær K, Holvik K, Søgaard AJ, Falch JA, Meyer HE. Vitamin D-mangel, sekundær hyperparatyreoidisme og bentetthet hos pakistanere og nordmenn bosatt i Oslo. Nor Epidemiol 2006;16:111-17.
• Holvik K, Meyer HE, Søgaard AJ, Selmer R, Falch JA, Haug E. Biochemical markers of bone turnover and their relation to forearm bone mineral density in persons of Pakistani and Norwegian background living in Oslo, Norway: The Oslo Health Study. Eur J Endocrinol. 2006;155:693-9.
• Alvær K, Meyer HE, Falch JA, Nafstad P, Søgaard AJ. Outdoor air pollution and bone mineral density in elderly men – The Oslo Health Study. Osteoporosis Int 2007;18:1669-74.
• Holvik K, Meyer HE, Søgaard AJ, Haug E, Falch JA.Pakistanis living in Oslo have lower serum 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D levels but higher serum ionized calcium levels compared with ethnic Norwegians. The Oslo Health Study. BMC Endocrine Disorders 2007, 7:9. Online:
• Næss Ø, Søgaard AJ, Arnesen E, Beckstrøm C, Bjertness E, Engeland A, Hjort PF, Holmen J, Magnus P, Njølstad I, Tell GS, Vatten L, Vollset SE, Aamodt G. Cohort Profile: Cohort of Norway (CONOR). Int J Epidemiol. 2008;37:481-5.
• Alvær K, Søgaard AJ, Falch JA, Meyer HE. The Oslo Health Study: Is bone mineral density higher in socioeconomic affluent areas? Int J Equity Heallth 2007 Nov 23;6:19. Online:
• Meyer HE, Søgaard AJ, Falch JA, Jørgensen L, Emaus N. Weight change over three decades and the risk of osteoporosis in men: the Norwegian Epidemiological Osteoporosis Studies (NOREPOS). Am J Epidemiol. 2008 Aug 15;168:454-60.
• Forsén L, Berntsen GK, Meyer HE, Tell GS, Fønnebø V; NOREPOS Core Research Group. Differences in precision in bone mineral density measured by SXA and DXA: the NOREPOS study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2008;23:615-24.
• Søgaard AJ, Meyer HE, Tonstad S. Haheim LL, Holme I. Weight cycling and risk of forearm fractures: A 28-year follow-up of men in the Oslo Study. Am J Epidemiol 2008;167:1005-13.
• Meyer HE, Lofthus CM, Søgaard AJ, Falch JA. Change in the use of hormone replacement therapy and the incidence of fracture in Oslo. Osteoporos Int. 2009; 20:827-30.
• Alver K, Meyer HE, Falch JA, Søgaard AJ. Outdoor air pollution, bone density and self-reported forearm fracture: the Oslo Health Study. Osteoporos Int 2010; 21:1751-60.
• Aamodt, G, Søgaard AJ, Næss Ø, Beckstrøm AC, Samuelsen SO. The CONOR database – a little piece of Norway. [CONOR-databasen – Et lite stykke Norge]. Tidskr Nor Laegeforen 2010;130:264-5. In Norwegian.
• Devold H, Duong GM, Tverdal Aa, Furu K, Meyer HE, Falch J, Søgaard AJ. Prescription of anti-osteoporotic drugs during 2004-2007 – a nationwide register study in Norway. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2010; 66:299-306.
• Omsland TK, Ahmed LA, Grønskag A, Schei B, Emaus N, Langhammer A, Joakimsen R, Jørgensen L, Søgaard AJ, Gjesdal CG, Meyer HE. More forearm fractures among urban than rural women. The NOREPOS study based on the Tromsø study and the HUNT study. J Bone Min Res 2011;26:850-6.
• Høstmark A, Søgaard AJ, Alvær K, Meyer HE. The Oslo Health Study: A Dietary Index estimating frequent intake of soft drinks and rare intake of fruit and vegetables is negatively associated with bone mineral density. J Osteoporos; 2011:102686. doi: 10.4061/2011/102686. Epub 2011 Jul 2. (A)
• Waterloo S, Ahmed LA, Center JR, Eisman JA, Morseth B, Nguyen ND, Nguyen T, Søgaard AJ, Emaus N. Prevalence of vertebral fractures in women and men in the population based Tromso Study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2012;13:3 doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-13-3.
• Devold H, Furu K, Skurtveit S, Tverdal A, Falch JA, Søgaard AJ. Influence of socioeconomic factors on the adherence of alendronate treatment in incident users in Norway. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2012; 21:297-304. (A)
• Søgaard AJ, Meyer HE, Ahmed LA, Jørgensen L, Bjørnerem A, Joakimsen RM, Emaus N. Does recalled dieting increase the risk of non-vertebral osteoporotic fractures? The Tromsø Study. Osteoporos Int 2012; 23:2835-2845. (A)
• Waterloo S, Nguyen T, Ahmed LA, Center JR, Morseth B, Nguyen ND, Eisman JA, Søgaard AJ, Emaus N. Important risk factors and attributable risk of vertebral fractures in the population-based Tromsø study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2012;13:163. doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-13-163.
• Omsland TK, Holvik K, Meyer HE, Center JR, Emaus N, Tell GS, Schei B, Tverdal A, Gjesdal CG, Grimnes G, Forsmo S, Eisman JA, Søgaard AJ. Hip fractures in Norway 1999-2008: time trends in total incidence and second hip fracture rates. A NOREPOS study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2012;27:807-14.
• Devold HM, Søgaard AJ, Tverdal A, Falch JA, Furu K, Meyer HE. Hip fracture and other predictors of anti-osteoporosis drug use in Norway. Osteoporos Int. 2013; 24:1225-33. (A)
• Dahl C, Søgaard AJ, Tell GS, Flaten TP, Krogh T, Aamodt G. On behalf of the NOREPOS Core Research Group. Is the quality of drinking water a risk factor for self-reported forearm fractures? Cohort of Norway. Osteoporos Int. 2013;24:541-51.
• Omsland, TK, Emaus N, Tell GS, Ahmed LA, Center JR, Nguyen ND, Gjesdal CG, Forsmo S, Schei B, Søgaard AJ, Meyer HE. Ten-year risk of second hip fracture. A NOREPOS study. Bone 2013;52:493-7.
• Waterloo S, Søgaard AJ, Ahmed LA, Damsgård E, Morseth B, Emaus N. Vertebral fractures and self-perceived health in elderly women and men in a population-based cross-sectional study: the Tromsø Study 2007-08. BMC Geriatr. 2013;13:102. doi: 10.1186/1471-2318-13-102.
• Dahl C, Søgaard AJ, Tell GS, Flaten TP, Krogh T, Aamodt G. On behalf of the NOREPOS Core Research Group. Is the quality of drinking water a risk factor for self-reported forearm fractures? Cohort of Norway. Osteoporos Int 2013,24:541-51.
• Devold HM, Søgaard AJ, Tverdal A, Falch JA, Furu K, Meyer HE. Hip fracture and other predictors of anti-osteoporosis drug use in Norway. Osteoporos Int. 2013; 24:1225-33.
• Dahl C, Søgaard AJ, Tell GS, Flaten TP, Hongve D, Omsland TK, Holvik K, Meyer HE, Aamodt G. Nationwide data on municipal drinking water and hip fracture: Could calcium and magnesium be protective? A NOREPOS study. Bone 2013;57: 84-91.
• Dahl C, Søgaard AJ, Tell GS, Flaten TP, Hongve D, Omsland TK, Holvik K, Meyer HE, Aamodt G. Do cadmium, lead and aluminum in drinking water increase the risk of hip fractures? A NOREPOS study. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2014; 157:14-23.
• Omsland TK, Emaus N, Tell GS, Magnus JH, Ahmed LA, Holvik K, Center J, Forsmo S, Gjesdal CG, Schei B, Vestergaard P, Eisman JA, Falch JA, Tverdal A, Søgaard AJ, Meyer HE. Mortality following the first hip fracture in Norwegian women and men (1999-2008). A NOREPOS study. Bone. 2014 Mar 5. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2014.02.016.
• Søgaard AJ, Holvik K, Omsland TK, Tell GS, Dahl C, Schei B, Falch JA, Eisman JA, Meyer HE. Abdominal obesity increases the risk of hip fracture. A population-based study of 43,000 women and men aged 60-79 years followed for 8 years. Cohort of Norway. J Intern Med. 2015; 277: 306-17.
• Søgaard AJ, Meyer HE, Emaus N, Grimnes G, Gjesdal CG, Forsmo S, Schei B, Tell GS Cohort profile: Norwegian Epidemiologic Osteoporosis Studies (NOREPOS). Scan J Public Health 2014;42:804-13.
• Solbakken SM, Magnus JH, Meyer HE, Emaus N, Tell GS, Holvik K, Grimnes G, Forsmo S, Schei B, Søgaard AJ, Omsland TK. Impact of comorbidity, age, and gender on seasonal variation in hip fracture incidence. A NOREPOS study. Arch Osteoporos 2014; 9:191.
Doi: 10.1007/s11657-014-0191-2.
• Dahl C, Søgaard AJ, Tell GS, Forsén L, Flaten TP, Hongve D, Omsland TK, Holvik K, Meyer HE, Aamodt G. Population data on calcium in drinking water and hip fracture: An association may depend on other minerals in water. A NOREPOS study. Bone 2015;81:292-299.
• Omsland TK, Eisman JA, Naess Ø, Center JR, Gjesdal CG, Tell GS, Emaus N, Meyer HE, Søgaard AJ, Holvik K, Schei B, Forsmo S, Magnus JH. Educational inequalities in post-hip fracture mortality: A NOREPOS Study. J Bone Miner Res. 2015 Jun 17. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.2579. [Epub ahead of print].
• Hoff M, Skurtveit S, Meyer HE, Langhammer A, Søgaard AJ, Syversen U, Abrahamsen B, Schei B. Use of anti-osteoporotic drugs in central Norway after a forearm fracture. Arch Osteoporos. 2015;10:235. doi: 10.1007/s11657-015-0235-2. Epub 2015 Sep 3.
• Søgaard AJ, Tell GS. An example of a successful national research network in epidemiology – The Norwegian Epidemiologic Osteoporosis Studies (NOREPOS). In: History of Epidemiology in Norway. Nor J Epidemiol. 2015;25 (1-2), 107-114.
• Lopez MG, Omsland TK, Søgaard AJ, Meyer HE. Self-perceived memory loss predicts risk of hip fracture in the elderly. A NOREPOS cohort study. BMC Geriatrics. 2015 Oct 23;15(1):134. doi: 10.1186/s12877-015-0135-8.