
Department of Health and Care Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Tromsø
Areas of interest:
The relation between lifestyle factors and fracture risk. Besides the NOREPOS project ‘Hip fractures: Predictors, incidence and survival’, she works with Post Doc Luai Awad Ahmed with comparisons between Norway (Tromsø) and Australia (Dubbo), and she studies the occurrence of vertebral fractures in Tromsø with Research Fellow Svanhild Waterloo.
Basic profession
Academic degrees
PhD, University of Tromsø, 2006
MSc, University of Bergen, 1996
Longitudinal changes in forearm BMD in women and men from 25 to 84 years. The Tromsø Study (2006)
Professional experience (after dissertation)
2010 – d.d.: Professor, Department of Health and Care Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Tromsø
2010-2012: NOREPOS researcher, Institute of Community Medicine, University of Bergen
2009 – 2010: Researcher Northern Regional Health Authorities
2008 – 2009: Visiting researcher, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Osteoporosis and Bone Biology Program, UNSW, Sydney, Australia
2006 – 2008: Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Community Medicine, UITØ and head of the clinical trial “NATTO” (Vitamin K2 and bone)
Chair, “Fond til etter- og videreutdanning av fysioterapeuter” from 2011
Member of the NOREPOS steering committee from 2006
Peer review 2009-2013:
Osteoporosis International, British Medical Journal, TDNL, Gender Medicine, American Journal of Epidemiology, British Medical Journal, Bone
Oral presentations at 5 international and national scientific meetings, poster presentations at 4 international scientific meetings, several popular scientific lectures and regular lectures for students at different academic levels from BSc, MSc to PhD level in various health disciplines.
(right-click and open in new tab to access external websites)
Publications in PubMed
Selected publications:
Ahmed LA, Center JR, Bjørnerem A, Bluic D, Joakimsen RM, Jørgensen L, Meyer HE, Nguyen ND, Nguyen TV, Omsland TK, Størmer J, Tell GS, van Geel TA, Eisman JA, Emaus N. Progressively increasing fracture risk with advancing age following initial incident fragility fracture. The Tromsø Study. J Bone Miner Res 2013 Apr 9 [Epub ahead of print]
Omsland TK, Emaus N, Tell GS, Ahmed LA, Center JR, Nguyen ND, Gjesdal CG, Forsmo S, Schei B, Søgaard AJ, Meyer HE. Ten-year risk of second hip fracture. A NOREPOS study. Bone 2013,52:493-7
Omsland TK, Holvik K, Meyer HE, Center JR, Emaus N, Tell GS, Shcei B, Tverdal A, Gjesdal CG, Grimnes G, Forsmo S, Eisman JA, Søgaard AJ. Hip fractures in Norway 1999-2008: time trends in total incidence and second hip fracture rates. A NOREPOS study. Eur J Epidemiol 2012;27:807-14
Waterloo S, Ahmed LA, Center JR, Eisman JA, Morseth B, Nguyen ND, Nguyen TA, Sogaard AJ, Emaus, N. Important risk factors and the attributable risk of vertebral fractures in the population-based Tromsø Study. BMC Musculoskeletal Diseases 2012; 13: 163
Jørgensen L, Hansen JB, Ahmed L, Bjørnerem A, Emaus N, Joakimsen R, Mathisen E, Størmer J, Vik A, Jacobsen BK. Osteoprotegerin is associated with hip fracture incidence: the Tromsø Study. International Journal of Epidemiology 2012; 41: 1033-9
Morseth B, Ahmed LA, Bjørnerem A, Emaus N, Jacobsen BK, Størmer J, Wilsgaard T, Jørgensen L. Leisure-time physical activity and risk of non-vertebral fracture in middle-aged and aged women and men. The Tromsø Study. European Journal of Epidemiology 2012 Jun; 27 (6):463-71
Søgaard AJ, Meyer HE, Ahmed LA, Jørgensen L, Bjørnerem Å, Joakimsen RM, Emaus N. Does recalled dieting increase the risk of non-vertebral fractures? The Tromsø Study. Osteoporosis International 2012 Feb 7.
Waterloo S, Ahmed LA, Center JR, Eisman JA, Morseth B, Nguyen ND, Nguyen TA, Sogaard AJ, Emaus, N. Prevalence of vertebral fractures in women and men in the population-based Tromsø Study. BMC Musculoskeletal Diseases 2012; 13.3
Barlindhaug G, Emaus N, Foss N. Movements of the gendered social body – women in a mountain village in Nepal. Advances in physiotherapy, online Jan 2012
Emaus N, Nguyen ND, Gjesdal CG, Almås B, Christensen M, Berntsen GKR, Grimsgaard S, Salomonsen L, Nguyen TA, Center J, Eisman JA, Fønnebø V. Undercarboxylated osteocalcin and bone mineral density in early postmenopausal women. European Journal of Nutrition Nov. 30. 2011.
Omsland TK, Ahmed LA, Gronskag A, Schei B, Emaus N, Langhammer A, Joakimsen RM, Jorgensen L, Sogaard AJ, Gjesdal CG, Meyer HE. More forearm fractures among urban than rural women – the NOREPOS study based on the Tromso study and the HUNT study. J Bone Mineral Research (2011) April; 26 (4): 850 – 6
Emaus N, Heiberg I, Ahmed LA, Balteskard L, Jacobsen B, Magnus T, Olsen LR, Ytterstad B. Methodological challenges in hip fracture registration. The Harstad Injury Registry. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 22.03.2011
Morseth B, Jørgensen L, Emaus N, Jacobsen BK, Wilsgaard T. Tracking of leisure time physical activity over 28 years in adults. The Tromsø Study. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2011; 43: 1229-34
Emaus N, Heiberg I, Ahmed LA, Balteskard L, Jacobsen B, Magnus T, Olsen LR, Ytterstad B. Methodological challenges in hip fracture registration. The Harstad Injury Registry. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 2011; 18: 135-42
Emaus N, Olsen LR, Ahmed LA, Balteskard L, Jacobsen B, Magnus T, Ytterstad B. Hip fractures in a city in Northern Norway over 15 years; time trends, seasonal variation and mortality. The Harstad Injury Prevention Study. E-pub ahead of print, Osteoporosis International 2011; 22: 2603-10
Morseth B, Emaus N, Wilsgaaard T, Jacobsen BK, Jørgensen L. Leisure time physical activity in adulthood is positively associated with bone mineral density 22 years later. European Journal of Epidemiology (2010) 25 (5): 325 – 331
Jorde R, Sneve M, Hutchington M, Emaus N, Figenschau Y, Grimnes G. Tracking of Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D levels During 14 years in a Population-based Study and During 12 months in an intervention Study. American Journal of Epidemiology (2010)15; 171 (8): 903 – 908
Emaus N, Gjesdal CG, Almås B, Christensen M, Berntsen GKR, Grimsgaard S, Salomonsen L, Fønnebø V. Vitamin K2 supplementation does not influence bone loss in early menopausal women: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Osteoporosis International (2010) 21: 1731 – 1740
Ahmed LA, Emaus N, Berntsen GK, Bjørnerem Å, Fønnebø V, Jørgensen L, Schirmer H, Størmer J, Joakimsen R. Bone Loss and the risk of non-vertebral fractures in women and men: The Tromsø Study. Osteoporosis International (2010) 21:1503-1511
Emaus N, Omsland TK, Ahmed LA, Grimnes G, Sneve M, Berntsen GKR. Bone mineral density at the hip in Norwegian women and men. Prevalence of osteoporosis depends on chosen references. The Tromsø Study. European Journal of Epidemiology (2009) 24: 321 – 328
Wilsgaard T, Emaus N, Ahmed LA, Grimnes G, Joakimsen RM, Omsland T, Berntsen GKR. Lifestyle impact on bone loss in women and men. The Tromsø Study. American Journal of Epidemiology (2009) 7; 169: 877 – 886
Emaus N, Berntsen GKR, Joakimsen RM, Fønnebø V. Longitudinal changes in forearm bone mineral density in women and men 45 – 84 years. The Tromsø Study: a population-based study. American Journal of Epidemiology (2006) 5; 163: 441 – 449
Emaus N, Berntsen G, Joakimsen R, Fønnebø V. Longitudinal changes in forearm bone mineral density in women and men 25 – 44 years. The Tromsø Study: a population-based study. American Journal of Epidemiology (2005) 7; 162: 633 – 643